Boulogne to Laventie 84km

Another “rest day” today as we slowly work our way backwards along the tdf route, scoping out sections of stage three, getting very close to Belgium now. Friteries are quite common, though I haven’t stopped at one yet.

We rode for a good 45km today before finding any food or water. The sun was out and the early part of the ride was quite hilly so I burnt through what little water I had left in no time. George had excess so he topped me up until we reached our lunch spot at Therouanne. There was a nice little park behind the Carrefour where we munched on our lunch and then got some water at the town “Marie” where the old ladies there gave us hairy, smelly cyclists slightly funny looks but were happy to fill our bottles.

A few km down the road at Mametz we finally found a cemetery where we had a much needed wash. Pretty much all cemeteries in France have a tap that locals use to water flowers and clean graves so it is very useful to know if you’re cycle touring as it can be challenging to find water otherwise.

I also managed to clean some clothes that were really started to stink. I hung them off the back of the bike until we reached the next town and then took the liberty of hanging them over a railing in the sun outside the Internet cafe while George updated his blog. my sleeping bag also got an airing as it has been getting steadily less effective as the down absorbs moisture out of the air in our particularly damp camping spots over the last few days.

Finding tonight’s camp was challenging as the tdf route goes through endless semi rural suburbia. We finally found a thin patch of forest along a creek near some houses. Not the best site so far but secluded enough.








Categories: Tour de France | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “Boulogne to Laventie 84km

  1. Bob Bicycle Tourist

    Has anyone yelled out “Hey Reddit!” yet? Are you earing the matching top?


  2. admin

    No hey reddit. I don’t think the French know what it is and they are too busy being startled by my beard


  3. Linda Evans

    Hi Andrew and George,
    We are motorhoming in Brittany, been following both of your blogs each day. Today is 21 June and your last posts were on 19 June. We are worried about you both, are you OK?


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